Welcome to Should You Eat Cookies in the Bathtub?
A card game for Aspergers, autism and other behavior-challenged kids
Some behaviors are clearly either appropriate or inappropriate. More often, however, the suitability of a given behavior depends on the context. For example, singing is fine at a birthday party but not at the library. In addition, the judgment as to whether or not a given behavior is appropriate in a given context is apt to vary among families, classrooms and groups.

Engage kids while helping them understand which behaviors may be appropriate – and which may not – depending upon the situation. In the most basic version of the game, a card is drawn from each of two the two decks, one Behavior, one Context. Parents discuss with the child the most appropriate response to the situation created by the pair of cards. Teaching the fine points of appropriateness – concepts that come intuitively to some children – is the goal of Should You Eat Cookies in the Bathtub?
Should You Eat Cookies in the Bathtub? was developed by Sally Bloch, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist with more than 30 years experience working with people with autism-spectrum disorders, and parent of an adult child with Aspergers.
Should You Eat Cookies in the Bathtub?
• Simulate 100s of behavior/context situations.
• Games of varying complexity are tailored to challenge children as they progress.
• Can be used in groups up to six.
• Field-tested among children with issues related to ASD, AD/HD and with speech & language disorders.
• For parents, therapists and teachers.
• 52 heavyweight, water-resistant cards – 26 each Behavior and Context + instruction booklet with different games in a sturdy storage box.
• Recommended for ages 4–12 (or according to the child’s needs.)
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